Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Story of Hilberry by Grav Weldon

The Story of Hilberry 

The Story of Hillberry

While this is the second year for Deadhead Productions to put on one last big hootenanny at the end of the festival season, this year will mark the third in the Hillberry festival series.  Last year Deadhead Productions decided to expand the number of festival they put on each year adding both Hillberry and Phunkberry to the schedule. 


 The first Hillberry was in August of last year and was quite successful.  However, shortly after the festival was over, it was announced that Phases of the Moon (a large fall Bluegrass festival held at Mulberry Mountain) would be canceled.  Nature abhors a vacuum, and the guys at Deadhead Productions really stepped up to fill that vacuum.  In a few short months they put together a festival that many, who attended, claim was the best bluegrass festival held in the region for many year.  Now sadly I missed that party, so I can only report on the rave reviews of everyone I know who went


.  However, I will be there this year, and the line up is impressive.  When combined with the “everyone is a vip” free range fandom philosophy and the beautiful Ozark autumn backdrop of the Farm north of Eureka Springs, this festival is likely one which nobody will likely forget.  If you don't have plans this weekend, come join the rest of us hillbillies for a rip roaring good time.


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