Friday, October 7, 2016

"Thank You" to the fans of our work and to our fearless leader, Kevin Long: An editorial by Greg Heffelfinger

From Phish at Dick's to Austin to LA and on to Nashville and Atlanta, keeping up with breaking news and all the shows happening can be tough.

 A lot of work and effort goes into making this blog. We have people all over the country who pour a lot of effort into bringing the latest news, set lists and upcoming events to this page. I'm not even including the massive effort that goes into bringing you great photography and reviews so you know what it was like to be there if you couldn't make the event. This also includes turning people onto bands they may never have seen or heard of but are making quality music.
As a recently renewed writer, editor, and general fountain of information, my contributions to the site have increased exponentially lately. I was around when Sammy started the blog previously known as "Phish and the Dead" and then I went AWOL for a few years because of personal issues. When Kevin invited me back, I jumped at the chance to do what I love. I'm a writer, always have been, and if any of you have read my articles you know that I have a tendency to go on and on. Between Kevin and I, the blog has taken off lately and I want to thank all of our fans for that. 
However, this past month life and lots of travel have gotten in the way of keeping up my end of the bargain. So I just want to take this time to publicly say thank you to the fans and especially to Kevin Long for his unflagging optimism and boundless energy in making our dreams come true. I'd also like to thank all of our contributors and photographers for all your hard work and let you know how much we appreciate it. Kevin and I used to see the Grateful Dead together and that builds a bond that can be tighter than blood family some times. I'm sure many of you know what I'm talking about. So I just wanted to take this moment of down time I have to let everyone know how much I/we appreciate you. This was just a dream we dreamed a long, long time ago and it's grown into something we are proud of and will continue to do for the love of the music. So, since hopefully, you've gotten this far, it's time to listen to the music play.

Greg Heffelfinger


© 2016 Grateful Music LLC

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