Friday, December 16, 2016

JRAD Continued taking over the Grateful World while managing to play Possum

JRAD Continued Taking Over the Grateful World While Managing to Play "Possum"!

JRAD CO SET 1: Don'tEase Viola >Possum >Truckin>space > St Stephen >Truckin > Other1 > Loser > Marco WilliamTell (ststephen)> The Eleven  >Shakedown

    That is the first set from last night's show which kicked off a three-night Colorado run. However it will be one of their last theatre runs. It was nuts to butts last night, sold out with no fire marshal, packed! Plus, the 200$ price tag they demanded on the open market only proves my point. The Fillmore is in the near future for this magical vessel of Dead dreams to another land.  They don't even have complete control of this ride. Hell, we refuse to let them retire from a band that was meant to be a one and done tribute. But one can't put toothpaste back in the tube and it's all over the fucking sink. They have reinvigorated the GD catalogue of music to the point I listen to JRAD bootlegs nightly, but with the same passion as the wide-eyed child I was when I first chased this rabbit to china. I mean listen to this "Eleven" & Terrapin From last night.

   JRAD is the future! It's akin to GD on steroids. It's what no other tribute band had the balls, chops or vision to pull off.  They play Dead covers like the Dead played Dylan covers. Their own way! Ironically, by not playing the songbook like The Grateful Dead did, they captured that elusive magic that makes it feel so right. 
If you still doubt it was not to be I leave with this: Even if you scramble up the GD something good comes out.

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