Friday, November 25, 2016

For a Post-Turkey Day Treat, Grateful Music will be posting Two Shows for 30 shows in 30 days today. The first, Autzen Stadium 8-22-93 Eugene,OR

  As the bus coasted to a stop, the boys pulled out a gem in Eugene. This show was from a two-night run in Eugene and this is one of those shows that stuck out. I knew people who were going to these shows now and couldn't wait for the bus to come around a little closer than Oregon so I could hop on.
For the most part 93' was a rough year but like Jerry said, even a "bad" show was pretty good, in reference to the trainwrecks that used to happen when a bad show involved way more than just not sending you into blissful transcendence. By this time, Vinny was feeling more comfortable and adding more to the band. This show was a great example of the band feeling comfortable and letting all the offstage stuff go once they hit the stage. 

The band was firmly ensconced in stadiums now and tickets were still getting harder and harder to find. The opening set started with the great pairing of "Jack Straw">"Bertha" and even though Vinnie was singing a little more upfront than he needed to be it was a wonderful opening. Jerry's voice popped in like his mic was off more than he forgot the lyrics and the playing was energetic and tight. Something was wrong with Bobby's rig and he stomped off stage and destroyed his guitar. To make up for his absence, Jer and Phil do double duty and the song doesn't suffer for it at all. In fact, this is one of the hottest Straw's from the later days. Once he got his gear fixed and everything "was "just exactly perfect" again, he was back and the band was swinging into "Bertha", not the best version but still a good one-two punch to start the first set. I don't know if it was the banner saying "Let Phil Sing" or if he was just feeling it this day but he stepped up and delivered on of my favorite The Band/Phil songs, "Broken Arrow". I love this song and always will.The next couple of songs were well-played but nothing compared to the monstrous "The Music Never Stopped" that they delivered. Anyone who claims the band only delivered crap in the Nineties, has some 'splaining to do after listening to some of the stuff the band was turning out. It was a killer way to end the first set.
A tasty Help>Slip>Frank opened the second set and it proved the first set was no fluke. They were present and accounted for and Jehovah's favorite choir wasn't pulling any punches. Next up was the Sunday Samson and of course, Bobby put on his reverend hat and gave it the full-on Weir treatment. Which is a good thing, to a point. Then a rare-ish and welcome "Ship of Fools" let the crowd breath a little before they jumped into another new-ish song, "Corinna". I've heard this song called "Boring-a" and several other funny names but this version was well done and involved all the members in what is a definite groove. There is no denying that when played well, which by 95' was rare, this song could get the crowd moving. Vince happened to be all over this one. Almost to the point of showing off. 
They rode this into "Drums>Space" and after a little over twenty minutes the band rolled all the way back with "The Wheel" and what would become a pattern followed it up with "I Need a Miracle". The night before the "Jerry Slot"had an amazing "Standing on the Moon", well this night "Days Between" got the call. This Hunter/Garcia epic is a long piece of poetry that, depending on Jerry, was either transfixing or just excellent. This happens to fall in the first category. Jerry wasn't going to let a show this hot die because of his last song. I've always loved the song and thought he delivered it like a eulogy. It wasn't exactly the most instrumental of songs, being quite minimalist, but the lyrical delivery was top-notch. After this the drummers kicked in the beat that is impossible not to dance to and the show ended in a nice, solid "Not Fade Away". The crowd chant followed up until the band came out and sang the tour encore,"Liberty" which had been finding itself in the encore slot quite a bit over the tour along with "I Fought the Law" but this time there were no rough vocals or blown verses and Jerry even throws a little extra at the end. The boys came out to play in Eugene that night and the night before was no slouch either but overall, I think this was the better show.

Greg Heffelfinger 

"Jack Straw" from 8-22-93

Grateful Dead
Autzen Stadium Eugene,OR

Set One:
Jack Straw 
Little Red Rooster 
Broken Arrow 
When I Paint My Masterpiece 
Tennessee Jed
The Music Never Stopped

Set Two:
Help On The Way ->
Slipknot! ->
Franklin's Tower 
Samson And Delilah 
Ship Of Fools 
Corrina ->
Drums ->
Space ->
The Wheel ->
I Need A Miracle ->
Days Between ->
Not Fade Away 


© 2016 Grateful Music LLC

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