Friday, December 30, 2016

String Cheese Incident and Big Gigantic Performed a legendary danceparty. Watch Complete Set. Setlist

String Cheese Incident and Big Gigantic Performed a legendary danceparty. Watch the Complete Set. Video,Setlist and 411


    String Cheese Incident started their New Year's celebration with two solid sets of music on Thursday night.  The first being a String Cheese Incident of the highest order. Kyle's broken wrist while obvious at first, eventually the music and his abilities compensated for the handicap in inventive ways. The highlight of the first half was a "Star Wars" tribute sandwiched between a exploratory "Miss Brown's Teahouse". The second half was billed A Big Gigantic Incident and that is what the enthusiastic crowed received. It was one hell of a danceparty with electriconic  versions of Cheese classics woven together by Big Gigantic hooks to great ends. The opening "Bam" which musically wove around "Big Gigantic's catolague to great ends is a perfect example of how the magically set transpired. Grateful Music will have plenty more coverage when I get my photos and time to put it all in perspective. I hope to see you tonight. Listen how S.C.I tracks from "Bollymunster " to "Rosie" joined with"Big Gigantic" tracks melting into musical bliss. Watch both songs here: 

   Here is the setlist and stay tuned for plenty more coverage as the fun has just begun! 


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