Sunday, July 31, 2016

Paige McConnell sits in with Twiddle last night at Twiddle Down. WatchIt Here!

Paige McConnell sits in with Twiddle last night at Twiddle Down. Watch It! 
Photo By Greg Horowitz story Twiddle FB

I busted my Twiddle cherry at Red Rocks earlier this summer. I was impressed and believe they are the future of the scene. Tonight, Phish's Page McConnell sat in with them at Twiddle Down in Vermont and confirmed they are the talk of the jam world. It was so epic a young man actually put his phone down for an entire tune! Page does not sit in with many bands. Besides the Meters side project, he has only sat in with two other acts. I witnessed him play with Grace Potter. I believe the other was with band mate Tom Gordon.Holly Bowling also joined in for the ivory party.    Watch the entire performance thanks to TheKamherst

Here’s more clips of the sit-in:

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