Friday, July 29, 2016

Watch A Pro Shot Phish Show From 7-23 From Chula Vista, CA. It'sCrunchy Good!

Watch A Pro Shot Phish Show From 7-23 From Chula Vista CA. Sweet and Complete!
Photos: Michael Stein                             

We all know this summer was not as good as last year's Superbowl season. But because last year was so consistently mind blowing this summer is taking undeserved heat. It beat the shit out of 2006! Lucky for us this show is crispy! Music is like sex and they had Viagra scripts in 2015. This tour had its nights and epic jams. The only thing the band did wrong,in my opinion, was adding "Farmhouse" to my Mike's Song Sandwich and went back to 16-song second sets. But we got Bust-Outs and we danced. We are way to critical! What fanbase gets mad for playing an amazing version of "Space Oddity" more than once. Besides you still caught all the best night just like every year. Enjoy one of my favorite shows of summer tour. 

Set 1: Farmhouse, 
Water in the Sky, 
Ass Handed, 
The Sloth, 
Martian Monster 
Ass Handed, 
Wolfman's Brother 
Walls of the Cave

Set 2: 
Also Sprach Zarathustra 
46 Days 
Backwards Down the Number Line 
Harry Hood 
Loving Cup

Encore: Sleeping Monkey, 
Tweezer Reprise

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   © 2016 Grateful Music LLC

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