Saturday, August 27, 2016

Tonight Get Ready for the First Phil & Friends Show of the Festival

Phil and his friends, Page McConnell and Jon Fishman from Phish, and Joe Russo with Anders Osbourne and the Infamous Stringdusters.
Tonight marks the first time Jon Fishman joins Phil and Friends and the whole concept of the Interlockin Festival is clearly born out by Phil's shows. The festival was set up to put bands that had interlocking members or bands that played together, et.cetera.  Tonight, we'll see the double drumming that powered the GD through most of their career and will be one of the few times that Phil and Friends has had double drummers behind him so he will have a turbocharged set of another pair of rhythm devils behind him. With Page on keys and The Infamous Stringdusters, I feel a lot of American Beauty/ Workingman's Dead tunes coming. However, Joe Russo's Almost Dead is famous for making song combos that the GD would never have thought to play. JRAD is simply amazing an if you haven't heard them, the STREAM IS FREE. You have no excuse. They might be the best interpreters of the GD oeuvre that has been around after Jerry. I'm really looking forward to tonight's show.

  JRAD Eyes>NFA at the Cap last year

More to come on Phil and Friends. Grateful Music will have the setlist and skinny after the show and will have a full review of Phil and MMJ tomorrow.  The second night of Phil and Friends is also looking nice and we'll have more to say about that too.

Written by: Greg Heffelfinger

© 2016 Grateful Music LLC

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